Advantages of Naturalisation
Like all states, the Federal Republic of Germany also grants its citizens certain advantages that foreigners are not entitled to as a matter of course. At the same time, naturalisation represents a commitment to Germany and is values. That means that if you are living here permanently there are many good reasons to become naturalised:
- You become a German citizen, equal to all other German citizens, and with all the corresponding rights and obligations.
- You have the right to vote and to be elected (active and passive voting right in all local, regional, national and European elections).
- You have free access to all professions.
- You enjoy an equal right to protection under all social security structures.
- You enjoy freedom of movement within the European Union.
- Taking up employment in other European Union member countries is easier for you.
- You enjoy travel and visa facilitation in many non-European states.
- You no longer require a residence permit, nor do you have to go to foreign consulates or embassies to have a passport issued.
- You receive consular protection abroad (this may be restricted for those with dual citizenship, particularly in their country of origin).
Project Implementation
Coburg Stadt und Land aktiv GmbH
Lauterer Straße 60, 96450 Coburg
in Zusammenarbeit mit Kanat Akin
(Jugendbeauftragter des Landkreises Coburg)
Gefördert durch die Partnerschaften für Demokratie Coburg Stadt und Land aus Mitteln des Bundesprogramms „Demokratie leben!“ des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.